mother wears army boots" - that's what we used to say in my school days.
on the article below I supposed that the school should have been held liable
for not punishing us in the severest fashion for our obvious
Now, before I begin my short rant, let me say
that I never appreciated nor condoned anyone being "picked on". I
never allowed it in my class or in the teams which I coached. Most often all it
took was a stern - "I want you to leave him alone" - and the harassment
would immediately stop.
certainly am not in favor of "bullying" of any child or as a matter
of fact, any adult either.
my questions are:
is the definition of "bullying"?
the occasionally childhood teasing really "bullying"?
a teacher's criticism of a student's poor performance "bullying"?
a teacher's insistence that a child do his homework "bullying"?
a coach tells a player that he should have done better is that
about a parent nagging a child to take out the garbage?
think, like many things in America that are designed to improve society, the
"Bullying Law" is being taken to unreasonable extremes.
I read the article it says "the incident" which implies that it
occurred once. Does that comprise "bullying" or is it just occasional, childish name calling?
it says "A.C. (the accused) is not a chronic troublemaker". I think
that might suggest that he is not a "bully" but merely acting as
children often do and without any malice.
also noted that the parent demanded $50,000 for "emotional damages"
plus legal fees from the school. It seems that when there is the smell of money
in the air, lawyers flock to a situation like bees to honey. Could that be the
case here or is there legitimate indignation on the part of the parents who
really think their child has been "bullied"?
lastly, if we care to take the "Bullying Law" to the extreme, as I
think may have been done here, then how about this:
a teacher is harassed and interrupted (and possibly insulted) while trying to
teach a class is that "bullying" by the students.
the teacher have the right to press charges against those disruptive students?
the teacher sue for "emotional damages"?
the administration report the incident to the state?
me reemphasize, I am not defending bullying, but I certainly think a rational approach to
the situation and a reasonable definition of "bullying" is required. If not, we soon may see almost
every child (and possibly adult) in every school in the land being accused of
"bullying" based on every
inane, occasional comment.;