AND lest we forget:
$400M in Fed Ed aid that was lost (then he stuck
it all on Schlinder)
$12M spend on unnecessary election (so he wouldn't be on the ballot with Booker)
doled out $10M as a parting gift to a Sandy aid relief
distribution company (Hammerman & Gainer which was fired for poor performance)
Spent $7M for legal costs to his bud Mastro (the
GWB problem and it’s still not over)
Lost $350M repayment to the Federal government when
he reneged on the Arc Tunnel Project (lost the 3,000 construction jobs the tunnel was projected to generate for the next decade and also cost N.Y. and N.J. 44,000 jobs and $4 billion in
additional income through economic growth, according to a
2008 study by New Jersey Transit)
Lost $7.7M for refusing to participate in the
health care exchange program (and could have insured 95,000 additional
uninsured New Jerseyans and would have cost the State nothing)